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The VCFA MFA in Graphic Design Program Blog

Interview with GD Faculty, Ian Lynam

June 30, 2024

Ian Lynam is a graphic designer, writer, owner of the boutique Sailosaibin, and a VCFA MFA in Graphic Design faculty member. Based out of Tokyo, Japan, Lynam runs his own design studio creating for popular brands such as the video game series Dota 2, Disney Channel (Japan), Nestle Toll House, and more.
In the summer of 2024, VCFA chatted with Lynam about his time teaching at VCFA in the MFA in Graphic Design program, his unique approach to the VCFA mentorship model, and his love for typography and type design.
“My experiences at VCFA have bolstered my sense of independence, my empathy for others, have made me a better listener, and have helped shape my career in so many ways. Being able to connect with so many different kinds of people has helped strip away a lot of my negative character traits and have helped me feel a deeper sense of connection to humanity. (This sounds cheesy, but I mean it—teaching at VCFA has been one of my life’s greatest gifts.)”