perpetual beta

The VCFA MFA in Graphic Design Program Blog

Access granted: experimentation, hacking, and play to unlock technology’s secrets.

December 23, 2023

We’re so happy to welcome back designer, researcher, educator and VCFA MFA GD alumnx Heather Synder Quinn! Heather is usually where she “isn’t supposed to be.” You will find her playing in unexpected places, physical or virtual, and collaborating with people from an array of backgrounds. She uses design fiction to empower communities to imagine possible futures and understand technology’s impact on human freedoms, including artificial intelligence and the metaverse.

Access granted: experimentation, hacking, and play to unlock technology’s secrets

In an era dominated by technological advancement, understanding and reclaiming agency over our digital landscape is imperative. This talk delves into the intersection of design and technology, advocating for a shift toward liberation through experimentation, hacking, and play. By embracing a mindset of curiosity, we empower ourselves to dissect, manipulate, and reimagine the intricate workings of technology. Demonstrating through projects, I highlight how playful experimentation and hacking dismantle technological gatekeeping, unveil ethical dilemmas, and help us collectively (re)define our relationship with technology. Accessible to both novices and experts, this approach and methodology help to democratize technology to support, rather than dominate, humanity, fostering more equitable and just futures for all.

Please join us for this great event on January 9th at 7:30 pm EST. Register on Zoom here. Hope to see you there!