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The VCFA MFA in Graphic Design Program Blog

Parallel Narratives!

July 18, 2019

Parallel Narratives is the result of an on-going undergraduate assignment that VCFA faculty member Natalia Ilyin and Elisabeth Patterson give in their co-taught, Junior-level course, Parallel Narratives, a class exploring the current state of design history and criticism at Cornish College of Art and Design. This class unearths and examines stories of design that did not gain entrance into the current, commonly-taught “canon” of design history.

(The reasons for these exclusions make valuable study in themselves.)

Juniors research and compile annotated bibliographies of 80-100 citations about a topic they believe has gone missing from the history books. They choose what they want to research, and the topics are varied. These bibliographies make a good starting point for research into design ideas, people and contexts.

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