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The VCFA MFA in Graphic Design Program Blog

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

Draw Down workshop

May 7, 2015

On April 16 through April 18, 2015, Christopher and Kathleen Sleboda of Draw Down Books led a workshop for VCFA’s Semester 2 students called “Spontaneous Form—Gesture Made Visual”.

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

The synopsis from the workshop brief:
In this workshop we will look at examples of mark-making that visually express movement, urgency, and beauty. Participants will work hands-on with experimental techniques to quickly and uninhibitedly construct bold graphics. Emphasis will be placed on eliciting a sense of the “happening” while maintaining simple and spontaneous forms.

Part 1 (April 16)
Emphasis should be on abstraction, pure form and expressive mark-making. Avoid figurative and typographic forms.

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

1. Harmony
2. Aggression
3. Playful

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

Part 2 (April 18)
Select your most compelling mark(s) from the April 16 session and create a poster (or posters) that combines the abstract art with typography.

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

Text to Pair:
1. Out of clutter, find simplicity. (for Harmony)
2. War Against _______________ (for Aggression)
3. Not too little, not too much: there safety lies. (for Playful)

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

Come to our Saturday meeting with poster(s) completed, printed and trimmed. You may choose to make one poster, a poster for each condition/text, or several iterations of any/all.

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

The photos here document Part 1 of the workshop. All images courtesy of Draw Down Books.

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

The workshop, along with Draw Down’s lecture were intellectually stimulating, fun, and one heck of a great time!

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

Workshop participants:
Ryan Bitzegaio
Jacqueline Brill
Aldrena Corder
Ray Claxton
Sarah Flood-Baumann
Molly Seabrook
Dina Zaccagnini-Vincent
Sarah Davis

Draw Down workshop at VCFA

Additional workshop participants were our esteemed alumni Troy Patterson and Mary Hanrahan.affiliate link trace | adidas poccnr jumper dress pants size